Des courts en fête - Parc de Saleccia
Festival des Courts en fête
Programme du Festival des Courts en fête
Les projections des Courts en fête

Open-air cinema in Saleccia Park. Comprising two competitive evenings, this festival of short films travels around Corsica and is organized in Balagne by the Et Pourtant Ca Tourne association.

The idea behind the festival is to organize a festival of short films in the heart of summer, here in Corsica and elsewhere on the mainland, the ideal cinematic event to arouse the curiosity of audiences.
This itinerant festival is relayed in Balagne by the association Et Pourtant ça tourne.

On the occasion of the 10th Festival Des courts en fête, we're taking you on board for two screenings at the Parc de Saleccia, on Wednesday July 24 and Thursday July 25.
for two full compet' evenings!

Selected this winter from 470 films with the utmost care by EPÇT's screening teams and all participating associative partners, the two screenings will introduce you to
11 fun, bizarre and eclectic short films.
An evening of cinema fun !!!!

After dark, 9pm (with catering available on reservation from 8pm). A party for cinema and short films.
Bring mosquito repellent, and don't forget to vote for the winner!

- July 24 evening -

Balladen by Christofer Nilsson: A bicycle deliveryman on the verge of a nervous breakdown engages in a spontaneous and thoughtless act of rebellion, locking himself in the homes of the customers he was delivering to...
The Photographer by Alexander Graeff: In France in 1936, Gerta, a young German photojournalist, lives in exile with her Hungarian companion, André Friedmann, a photographer. Because of the prevailing xenophobia, no newspaper will publish them...
Boussa by Azedine Kasri: Meriem and Reda, a young Algerian couple, are unable to kiss on the lips. This simple desire turns into a real obstacle course...
Apneas by Nicolas Panay: Pierre is doing his best to complete the chaotic worksite for which he is responsible. The bodies are exhausted by the untenable deadlines. But the site must go on...
L'Age acrobatique by Mathieu Barbet: 13-year-old Lucas takes part in an acrobatic rock workshop for the first time. In the gym, his body soars, the risk of falling is permanent and his heart races. A great leap into adolescence...
Game Over by Adrain Cacciola: Sunday afternoon is Scrabble day for an elderly couple. The sunny scene opens with the old man's hateful inner monologue, forced to take part in a ritual he loathes...

- July 25 evening -

Dead or Alive by Caroline Massabuau: Steve, a man presumed dead, wakes up during an autopsy. A dilemma arises for the coroner and the investigator...
Tirée par les Cheveux: Emilie is surprised by her father at a party where she shouldn't be...
Binaud et Claude by Mélanie Laleu: Binaud would like to tell the police about his love for Claude, the slowest cashier in the world, but the police are questioning him about a convenience store robbery...
Un Bon Garçon by Paul Vincent de Lestrade: Maxime is 16. A talented swimmer, he's preparing to enter the sport study program. One afternoon, the police turn up during training to question his coach...
Qu'Importe la Distance by Léo Fontaine: 5am, Yalla is in a hurry. Without her boss's permission, she leaves her job as a night orderly...


Full price: 8 € (Non member), Reduced price: 6 € (For members).


  • Opening period

    From Wednesday 24 to Thursday 25 July 2024 at 9 pm.
    Ticket sales and meal offered by the association from 8pm (booking by e-mail).