Atelier Approviser son hypersensibilité - Parc de Saleccia

The "Apprivoiser son hypersensibilité" workshop, led by Nathalie Filippi and André Salducci, helps you understand and manage hypersensitivity to regain calm and confidence in the face of external aggression and loss of energy.

With Nathalie Filippi, hypnotherapist, and André Salducci, energy specialist.

When you feel on edge, when you feel attacked by the outside world, or when you have the unpleasant impression that your energy is being drained, this workshop is for you, to understand this phenomenon and regain calm and confidence.


One price: 40 €.


  • Opening period

    Saturday 20 July 2024 between 2.30 pm and 6.30 pm.

  • Other information

    Bring a floor mat and water.

  • Means of payment

    Cash Cash Check Check