Atelier Galerie SG is the fruit of a meeting between two visual artists who wanted to share their work with the public. Located in the heart of the Balagne region, Gwen & Sylvie welcome you to present their creations.

Sylvie, a visual artist, offers you original pieces for a unique interior or a singular decorative exterior, in particular light fittings and objects made from driftwood but also, more surprisingly, from ivy taken from Corsican trees, to which she gives a new destiny: decorative objects, light fittings (floor lamps, table lamps, wall lamps...), photo frames in which she presents her sketches and watercolors...

Gwen Lemasson is a plastic painter: her paintings, sketches and sculptures invite you to reflect on society, but also to take a journey around the sea or the human being.
Gwen also offers commissioned creations for interior and exterior decoration (entire walls, ceilings, shower panels, company lobbies...). There are no limits to her creations!

Gwen and Gwen also create other lighting fixtures, one in clay and the other in natural resin, enabling them to offer a wide range of products, including the iconic and coveted XXXXL ceiling lamp, now the house signature.

L'atelier-galerie s'engage dans une démarche éco-responsable : Sylvie travaille le lierre, trop souvent associé uniquement à la liane qui étouffe les autres végétaux, elle le décroche des arbres Corses et en fait de magnifiques luminaires.
Gwen, quant à elle, utilise du vieux bois, de l’argile, de vieux clous, du métal, du béton... Récupère de vieux barbelés dans la campagne, s’attache à voir, dans chaque objet, la révélation d’une future création. Dans un souci d’éco responsabilité certainement, mais d’abord, parce qu’un objet, est le témoin d’une histoire. Sa technique : brûler, pointer, encrasser, casser, laisser l'œuvre parler.


  • Services

    • Online shop
  • Equipments

    • Parking nearby
  • Spoken languages

    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Spanish

To know

  • Opening period

    Every day throughout the year
    Opening hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 10 am and 12 pm and between 2.30 pm and 6 pm. On Saturday between 10.30 am and 1 pm.
    Closed Monday and Sunday.
    Depending on the season, the workshop-gallery is open at different times, which you can consult by clicking on the following link:

  • Animals welcome

    Pets not accepted

  • Means of payment

    Bank/credit card Bank/credit card Cash Cash Online payment Online payment