A Fiera di u Focu - Ghjuventù Costaraccia

A Fiera di U Focu - the Fair of Crafts of the Art of Fire and Craftsmen, relocates to the village of Costa. During two days, come and discover and meet cutlers, blacksmiths, wood turners, potters, glassmakers.

This year, A Fiera di u Focu will be held from August 10 to 11, 2024, in the same spirit as in previous editions, while highlighting trades linked to the art of fire, with the presence of members of the Corsican Cutlers' Union. but also some new features around craftsmanship, heritage and culture.
The public will be able to watch several knives being made live. Visitors will also be able to discover the craftsmen's creations while strolling through the village, eating on-site or quenching their thirst at the refreshment bar located on the piazzetta.
The artisans present at the fair are selected on the basis of the quality of their products and the assurance of local, artisanal production. There is no registration fee, but in return, each of them offers an original piece for the tombola drawn on the last day, the first prizes being Corsican knives forged on site by the cutlers.


Free access.


  • Opening period

    From Saturday 10 to Sunday 11 August.